Stamper Dance

Stamper Dance

Fridays  – Miss Rachael and Miss Milli run an Irish Dance class in Thurgoland Village Hall for children aged 4 – 12 at 5pm to 5.45pm and from 5.15pm to 6.00pm for an Advanced class aged 13+. All lessons are £3.50. ‘At Stamper Dance, we our very proud to see our children grow in confidence whilst making friends, learning new skills and having fun!  Children have the opportunity to take IDTA examinations and perform in various displays and shows throughout the year.’

Emmanuel Church – Room 3 and Upper Hall, 5.30 to 6pm with Miss Rachael, Miss Rachel and Miss AlexMini movers (age 3-6) £3.50
Emmanuel church – Sanctuary, 5.30pm to 6pm with Miss Milli  – Group singing class (age 5+)   £3.50
Emmanuel church – Upper Hall, Sanctuary and Room 3, 6pm to 7.15pm with Miss Rachael, Miss Rachel and Miss MilliStreet dance and Drama (age 5+) £5.00

Emmanuel church – Upper Hall, Sanctuary and Room 35-6pm with Miss Rachael, Miss Rachel, Miss Milli and Miss AlexBallet, tap and boogie (age 4+) £4.00
Emmanuel church – Upper Hall, Sanctuary and Room 36-6.45pm with Miss Rachael, Miss Rachel and Miss Milli Irish dancing (age 4+) £3.50

Principal: Rachael Schofield LLCM, LIDTA

Contact: 07738290567